Wear Your Summer Clothes In Winter Too!

With the season’s calendar rolling from summer to fall to winter- our closets too are ready to take a 180-degree rotation. And while shopping is fun, but do you really need that new dress? Who said you can only wear solid colors and that too only brown, black, and white during winters? Your summer clothes too can do wonders here! All you’ll need for that is to style it in such a way that you aren’t cold and yet your look stands out (in a good way, obviously).

So, this winter give your summer clothes a shot, we’ll help you with how to do it.

  1.     Mini Skirts

You do not have to give up on that cute little piece just yet, you can accessorize them to make a fashion statement and at the same time not freeze to death. Pair up your mini skirt with a pair of full-length stockings (pantyhose) and/or knee-high or even thigh-high boots. Throw in a fuzzy coat to keep you warm and you’re good to go.


  1.     Slip Dress

Slip dresses are the most fun to style in the winters, especially since they almost always make a statement. See the key to styling winter garments is- layering, and we’ll help you with how to do it effectively. Slip dresses usually do not provide a lot of coverage; therefore, you can throw in a turtle neck or round neck top inside and a long trench coat or maybe a blazer outside. Of course, pantyhose or thigh-high boots go on the legs. You’ll be turning a few heads for sure!


  1.     Ripped Jeans

Just because they are a little torn doesn’t mean you need to pack them up for the cold days. If the temperature’s not the coldest and the winter is only in its early stages- you can style them ripped jeans by wearing a pair of fishnet pantyhose under them.


  1.     Summer Dress

Winters are only for tan, black or white- more like only for drab colors… who said? Spice it up a bit by wearing your floral summery dresses and through a big warm trench coat over them. For the bottom – ankle boots would look the cutest, but if it’s colder do go for longer boots.


  1.     Crop Tops

Again, layering. Throw in a turtle neck under your crop top and always layer complementing colors together. Or to make a statement you can throw on a fur (of course, faux) coat.


At Taylor Jay, we have always been passionate about sustainability, and we practice it by creating eco-friendly pieces for you. We also always want to encourage you, our customers, to engage in sustainable practices and take a step towards a greener future with us. And reusing your clothes is a great start for that. Shop what you need and then try to get the best out of it. Each of our pieces is made with this mantra in mind. From timeless designs to high-quality fabric- we are curating clothing for you that stays with you irrespective of external changes in body or season.

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